2023-24 Supply Lists
Supply Lists
- 1-full size backpack
- 2-disinfecting wipes
- 2-boxes tissue
- 12-glue sticks
- 3-boxes of 24 Crayola Crayons
- 2-plastic folders with bottom pockets 1 yellow and 1 blue
- 1-pair of child scissors
- 1-box of gallon size freezer Ziplock bags (last name A-M)
- 1-box of quart size freezer Ziplock bags (last name N-Z)
- 2-boxes of black only EXPO dry erase markers
- 2-boxes of #2 pencils (Ticonderoga only please)
- 1-ream of white copy paper
- 1-Over the head headphone
- 1-box Crayola Markers- optional
- 2-packs baby wipes
- 2-class size peanut free snacks (example: Goldfish, ritz crackers, animal crackers, motts fruit snacks, boxes of cereal)
- *needs replenished throughout the year
1st GradeĀ
1st Grade
- 8 - black Expo Dry Erase markers
- 2 - Black Sharpies
- 1 - box of (10) Crayola markers
- 1 - box of (24) Crayola crayons
- 24 to 30 Ticonderoga #2 Pencils
- 1 - box of colored pencils
- 1 - ream of white copy paper
- 4 to 6 - Avery/Elmer's brand glue sticks
- 2 - highlighters
- 1 - folder with bottom pockets
- 1 - spiral wide-rule notebook
- 2 - boxes of tissue
- 1 - pair of over the ear headphones (no earbuds please)
- 1 - box gallon size Ziploc bags (last name A-M)
- 1 - box quart size Ziploc bags (last name N-Z)
Items We DO NOT Need: pencil boxes, rulers, three ring binders or pencil sharpeners
2nd Grade
2nd Grade
Communal/shared supplies:
- 1 - box of #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 1– box of 24 crayons
- 3 - glue sticks
- 4 – EXPO dry erase markers (fine tip preferred)
- 2 - large Pink Pearl erasers
- 2 - Post-it note pads 3 x 3 (light colors only)
- 1 - Black flair-tip pen
- 2 - box tissue
- 3 - wide rule black & white composition notebooks
- 1 - ream white copy paper
- 1 - package disinfectant wipes (Last name A-M)
- 1 - box quart or sandwich size Ziploc (Last name N-Z)
*No personal pencil boxes please*
- 1 - Set of child size earbuds or headphones
- 1 - folder w/bottom pockets (homework folder)
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
- 4 - glue sticks (not liquid)
- 2 - package 3 x 3 Post –It note pads
- 48 - Ticonderoga #2 pencils
- 3 - Pink Pearl erasers
- 1 - package wide ruled loose-leaf paper
- 1 - box colored pencils
- 1 - highlighter
- 1 - box crayons
- 4 - 3 prong pocket folders (solid color)
- 2 - wide rule spiral notebooks
- 1 - ream of white copy paper
- 2 - black and white composition books
- 1 - pencil box
- 2 - Expo dry erase markers (black)
- 1 - set earbuds or headphones
- 2 - tubs disinfectant wipes
- 1 - hand sanitizer
*These supplies will be shared by our classroom community so please do not write students names on them. We will do it in class.
4th Grade
4th Grade
- 1 - black Sharpie
- 1 - package of wide ruled, loose-leaf paper
- 4 - black and white composition notebooks
- 4 - plain (solid color) pocket folders
- 2 - packages of Post-It notes
- 1 - box of crayons
- 1 - box colored pencils
- 4 - glue sticks
- 2 - Expo dry erase markers
- 4 - dozen #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 3 - Pink Pearl erasers
- 1 - package of washable markers
- 1 - pair of scissors
- 3 - boxes Tissue
- 1 - ream white copy paper
- 2 - tub of disinfectant wipes
- 1 - Set of ear buds or headphones
- 2 - hand sanitizer
- 1 - pencil box
4th Grade - Ms. Greenbaum
1 - package of wide ruled, loose-leaf paper
- 1 - package colored pencils or markers
- 1 - box 24 count crayons
- 2 - composition notebooks (no spiral)
- 3 - pocket folders
- 2 - packages of Post-It notes
- 2 - glue sticks
- 2 - Expo dry erase markers
- 2 - dozen #2 pencils (Ticonderoga preferred)
- 3 - Pink Pearl erasers
- 1 - box Tissue
- 1 - ream white copy paper
- 1 - set of earbuds or headphones
- 1 - pencil box or pouch
5th Grade
5th Grade
- 1 - 2” 3 ring binder
- 6 -spiral notebooks, college ruled
- 3- pocket folders
- 1 - package of 5-tab dividers for binder
- 1 - composition notebook (no spiral)
- 1 - package (8) washable markers
- 1 - package (12) colored pencils
- 1 - pencil pouch for use in binder
- 2 - pink erasers or 1 package of pencil top erasers
- 2 - glue sticks
- 1 - ruler (centimeter and inches)
- 1 - pair of scissors
- 1 - package of post it notes
- 40 - sharpened #2 pencils
- 1 - pair of headphones
- 2 - fine tip black Sharpie
- 2 - packages college ruled notebook paper
- 1 - package graph paper
- 1 - box tissue
- 1 - ream white copy paper
- 1- trifold
Primary IAC
Primary IAC
- 4 - box of #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 - box of 24 Crayola crayons
- 1 - box of Crayola markers
- 4 - Pink Pearl erasers
- 2 - wide rule primary black & white composition notebooks
- 5 - Avery/Elmer’s brand glue sticks
- 4 - black EXPO markers or color pack
- 2 - box tissue
- 1 - ream white copy paper
- 6 - pocket folders (1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 light blue or purple)
- 1 - pair of high quality scissors
*These supplies will be shared by our classroom community so please do not write students names on them. We will do it in class.
Intermediate IAC
Intermediate IAC
- 4 - box of #2 Ticonderoga pencils
- 1 - box of 24 Crayola crayons
- 1 - box of Crayola markers
- 2 - wide rule spiral notebooks
- 2 - Primary black & white composition books
- 5 - Avery/Elmer’s brand glue sticks
- 4 - black EXPO markers or color pack
- 2 - box tissue
- 1 - ream white copy paper
- 1 - box gallon sized Ziploc bags
- 6 - pocket folders (1 red, 1 orange, 1 yellow, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 light blue or purple)
- 1 - pair of high quality scissors
*These supplies will be shared by our classroom community so please do not write students names on them. We will do it in class.
5th Grade - Ms. McNaghten
5th Grade
5th Grade - Ms. McNaghten
- 5 Plastic Folders (2 pockets; solid color)
- 4 Spiral notebooks (solid color, ideally)
- 1 set of headphones or ear buds
- 36 #2 pencils (Ticonderoga brand, preferably)
- 1 package color pencils
- 2 pink erasers
- 2 glue sticks
- 1 pair of scissors
- 2 packages of sticky notes
- 2 black sharpies
- 2 Expo dry-erase markers
- 2 packages of college ruled notebook paper
- 1 package computer/copy paper
- 2 boxes of tissues
- 2 packages of disinfecting wipes
*If you’re able to send more items than what is listed above, that is always helpful. In particular, we often run out of pencils, tissues and wipes. "